Maria Eva Chaffin is originally from Venezuela. She is married with three boys and two dogs. She is in the process of completing her Doctoral in Organizational Leadership. She holds a Master of Science in Exceptional Student Education, a Master’s Degree in Business Education, a Bachelor’s in Special Education, as well as a Montessori Teacher Certification in early childhood. She has over 25 years of teaching experience and has been in the Montessori field for 15 years.
Maria Eva is a published co-author and has written numerous reference materials for Montessori teachers, including recently the Primary Teacher Instruction Guide for Hatching The Cosmic Egg by Michael Dorer. Maria Eva is known globally for her expertise in the Montessori Method, teacher and administrator education, inclusion, and for her passion to teach all children. Maria Eva has been invited to present at Montessori events around the country and host regular teacher education websessions to help teachers and administrators around the world deliver the best Montessori experience possible.
First and foremost, Maria Eva loves being a Montessori teacher and her passion for all children is endless. After over 25 years of experience teaching children, adults and neurodiverse students, Maria Eva remains convinced that the Montessori Method is the best way for all children to learn.